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Shepherd's Canyon Retreat offers a special week of individual, couple, and group Christian counseling. We limit each week to 8 participants (4 couples, or 8 singles or a combination) so we can customize the week for each person's individual needs.

We serve Christian ministry workers (and spouses) including pastors, missionaries, Christian school teachers/administrators, Directors of Christian Education, Deaconesses, camp directors, military chaplains, worship leaders, and more.


Renew, Revive, Refresh

The process begins with an initial assessment with SCR Counseling Care Director, Pastor Phil Lee, LMFT. This phone conversation helps us to determine if Shepherd's Canyon Retreat is a "good fit" for you and your needs. Use this form and Phil will reach out to you.

Retreat Dates

August 5-12, 2024*

September 16-23, 2024

October 7-14, 2024

(Oct 21-28 possible new date)

November 4-11, 2024

(Nov 18-25 possible new date)

* Full, but you may request to be on a waiting list.

NOTE: Registration for every retreat closes 2-4 weeks prior to retreat start date, so register ASAP.  A

Each retreat pursues three basic goals:

  • Allow each participant to safely unburden the hurts and pressures of life and ministry in a safe, non-judgmental, and loving environment.

  • Assist each person to understand herself/himself more completely.

  • To encourage the participants to develop new levels of self-acceptance as well as more effective relational skills.  This often includes evaluation of expectations, reordering of priorities, improving communication skills and bringing a new perspective concerning their life and ministry.

For clients who are married, we strongly suggest that they involve their spouse.

We also ask that clients totally suspend their ministry responsibilities (including sermon or teaching preparations) for the duration of their session.

Romans 5:3-5: “…we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” This scripture makes it clear: suffering, while not to be sought after, is, nevertheless, purposeful and has the enormous potential to deepen our relationship with God and with each other. 

What is the cost?

We don't turn anyone away due to lack of funds.  We have various scholarships available, but that doesn't mean that this retreat is free.  It just means that we work with you and your church or ministry and/or denominational leadership to find ways to cover the cost. 

It is expensive for us to have you stay 7 nights in a high comfort room with a private bathroom, 18 meals cooked by our chef, airport transportation, etc.  We also pay our therapists who take a week away from their regular clients and fly or drive here to focus on your needs during this retreat.

Don’t let costs impact your interest on whether to attend.

Please reach out to us and let’s discuss options.

Pain and suffering are unfortunate, yet critical components common to all who seek services at Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat. Suffering, of course, accompanies life and is especially true for those who serve in the Church.

People come to Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat with complaints of overwhelming personal, marital, and congregational conflicts, ministry burnout, depression, marital discord, infidelity, and struggles with addictive behavior. As is common for us all, when we are in physical or emotional pain, we attempt to remove ourselves from it as quickly as possible.

At Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat, while we strive to help people alleviate their suffering, we also strongly encourage them to both describe their agony and, even more importantly, to learn from it.


A useful scriptural passage regarding this difficult issue is Romans 5:3-5: “…we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” This scripture makes it clear: suffering, while not to be sought after, is, nevertheless, purposeful and has the enormous potential to deepen our relationship with God and with each other. This is at the heart of what occurs at Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat.


Participants arrive at the Retreat on Monday by 5:00 P.M. A Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat or host retreat representative will greet you and show you to your accommodations.



Rev. Kevin Bueltmann, Executive Director

PO Box 222, Wickenburg, AZ 85358

Phone: 480-588-8837

Retreats are held at our site in Arizona:

Standing Stones Retreat Center

44020  West US Hwy 60,  Wickenburg, AZ

Rev. Phil Lee, Counseling Care Director


Phone: 206-601-5217

Donor Support - Darla Gonzalez - 480-567-6407

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Shepherd's Canyon Retreat Ministry is supported with many gifts.

If you would like to support this program, please click 'DONATE' to give online or other ways. 

Shepherd's Canyon Retreat is Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS and we serve ministry workers from ALL Christian denominations.


© 2024 Shepherd's Canyon Retreat. All rights reserved. 

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